Has your elderly loved one been struggling lately with living at home by themselves? Have you been considering elderly care options for them, but they want to be able to continue living at home and maintain their independence? If so, then home health care services may be the perfect solution for your elderly family member. If you’re uncertain about whether your senior family member is really in need of assistance or not, or whether or not they could benefit from home care services, here are some signs to look for that indicate that your loved one may be in need of home care services if they want to continue living at home: Home Care Minneapolis-St Paul Minnesota
Poor Hygiene
If your elderly family member has been showing signs of having uncharacteristically poor hygiene, then that is an indicator that they may be in need of some assistance when it comes to daily living and everyday activities. When seniors start to show a decline in grooming, dressing, and/or hygiene habits, then that’s a sign that some kind of care is required. Dirty and/or messy hair, body odor, unbrushed teeth, dirty clothes, and dirty hands and nails are all signs that personal hygiene and care have become too difficult to manage without help.
Weight Changes
Any considerable drop in body weight can indicate an issue as well, since it is an indication that your elderly family member is not eating enough. Possible causes behind why your elderly family member may have lost weight include meal preparation difficulties and/or depression. If you notice this, then you should try to be around when your family member is having meals in order to observe your family member’s cooking abilities. You should also examine their refrigerator as well and see if it’s properly stocked and/or if there is any spoiled food in it.
What begins as a missed medication dose or doctor’s appointment may not seem like cause for concern initially, as everyone makes mistakes from time to time. However, if there is confusion regarding medications and/or chronic forgetfulness regarding medications, then the consequences could be severe for your loved one. Forgetfulness can lead to forgetting to pay bills on time or at all, not ensuring that one’s house is secured, making unexpected bank withdrawals, and becoming disoriented even in familiar surroundings. When this starts to happen, additional care is needed in order to ensure your loved one’s safety.
If your loved one is in need of home care services, then contact Pinnacle Home Care, the best home care agency in Minneapolis MN, today and learn more about our services.