At some point, we all grow old. And when we do, we’re going to need some help with the basics. Luckily, there are steps you can take today to prepare for the future. The following tips will help you make plans for yourself or a loved one so that everyone involved knows what to expect when the time comes: Tips When Planning for Elder Care
Determine the Medical Need
There are various levels of support that elderly individuals can benefit from, especially for those who are continuing to live independently. Some seniors may require in-home nursing services provided by a licensed and registered nurse such as health assessments, medication administration, catheter management, education on various medical conditions, and more. Other times, elderly individuals may not require as intensive in-home services, but could still benefit from services such as homemaking services and/or companion care. It may be beneficial for you or your senior family member to get a medical assessment done to determine the need. A physician will check for any conditions that may affect care, such as dementia or heart problems.
Plan for Finances
Your finances are one of the most important considerations when planning for care. Your current financial situation will have a big impact on how you manage your retirement years, and it will also play a large role in how much money you need to cover elder care costs. Check with your insurance provider regarding the types of services that are covered under your plan. Your local home care agency can help you find the answers you need if you have any questions regarding Medicare.
Talking about finances with family members can be uncomfortable, but it’s important that everyone understands each other’s expectations so there are no surprises later on. However, money shouldn’t be a barrier to quality home care, so contact your local elder care agency to discuss your situation.
Contact a Home Care Agency
Home care agencies are a great option for elder care; they’re a great choice if you want someone to come into your home and provide services for your loved one. The most important thing to look for in a home care agency is that it’s reputable and high-quality. When choosing a home health aide or other professional, ask about the caregiver’s experience and training. A good agency will have staff members who have been working in the industry for years and can provide references from past clients.
Planning ahead can help to ease the transition into elder care, and give you confidence in the process. If you or your loved one could benefit from in-home elder care services in Lauderdale MN, or if you want to learn more, contact Pinnacle Home Care. We are your local home care agency in Lauderdale MN and want to help ensure you and your loved ones are well cared for. Contact us to learn more and watch for Part 2 of this blog series.